Digital Archive


Architect Bashirul Haq, one of the most acclaimed architects nationally and internationally is an unbound source of inspiration for our young architects. His works have been widely discussed and praised both nationally and internationally. On a few occasions his fellows and architects got the opportunity to learn about his life and philosophy, but only to end up being more curious and wanting to know further. Suffering from various health issues, he passed away on 4th April 2020.

On 24 June 2021 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the late architect IAB organized an online program. Prof. Firdous Azim, Ar. Nahas Ahmed Khalil, Ar. Khan Mohammad Mustafa Khalid, Ar. Ahsan Ullah Majumder were some of the notable figures among the attendees of the program. During the discussion, all the dignitaries spoke about the importance and impact of Ar. Bashirul Haq in shaping the current trend and practice of architecture of Bangladesh. Ar. Nahas Ahmed Khalil, in an answer to a question, stressed the need for archiving the works of Bashirul Haq and Associates. He also proposed to set up an archive through voluntary or paid initiative whichever is possible with immediate effect. In connection to the proposal, Ar. Khan Mohammad Mustafa Khalid, (Vice President-National, 24th EC of IAB) on behalf of IAB sought permission from Prof. Firdous Azim to initiate setting up an Archive. The family members who were present in the meeting expressed their gratitude and echoed their similar desire to prepare an Archive of Late Ar. Bashirul Haque be it in digital form or physical.

After this event Ar. Farhana Sharmin Emu (GS, 24th EC of IAB) took the responsibility of taking this initiative further and arranged numerous meetings with all the stakeholders in this cause. After securing consent from IAB and the family members it was decided that all physical documents of the Bashirul Haq and Associates will remain with the office till it exists. IAB will take the initiative to set up a digital repository of the works of the eminent architect. With this noble intention, The Bashirul Haq Digital Archive project was taken up.

The Bashirul Haq Digital Archive (BHDA), is established for archiving and cataloguing of the illustrious works of architect Bashirul Haq, in the form of a website with its stand-alone domain. The archive will be a platform for the compilation of drawings and documentation of built and unbuilt projects. It will also feature the writings and interviews of the architect.

The Proprietor is the owner and creator of the original material. In this case Bashirul Haq and Associates. represented by family member/s of the late architect or representative/s from the Foundation (if any). Ownership of the materials remains with the proprietor.

The custodian is responsible for the Launching, Safekeeping and Maintenance of the digital archive and its documents. In this case IAB.

IAB's role as custodian will be to;

i) Launch the website, by gathering the existing digital material at the disposal of Bashirul Haq and Associates and from other entities with personal and professional connections with the architect.

ii) Process the available non-digital material to add to the BHDA in phases.

iii) Operation and Maintenance of the website through a "Custodial Body" formed by IAB within its constitutional limitations. A Working Group was formed to launch and maintain BHDA in the 16th EC meeting of the 24th EC committee of IAB held on 06.11. 2021. This working group is referred to as the Custodial Body.

The Custodial body is composed of the following members:

Convener- Ar. Nahas Ahmed Khalil (K-022) , Co- Convener- Ar. Farhana Sharmin Emu (S-100), Member Secretary- Ar. Muhtadin Iqbal (I-079 ), Member- Ar. Sheikh Itmam Soud (S-146 ), Ar. Sakib Ahsan Choudhury (C-074), Ar. Chowdhury Pratick Barua (B-072), Ar. Salman Rahman (AR-328)

On the occasion of the 80th Birth Anniversary of the Late Architect Bashirul Haq on 24 June, 2022 , the representatives of IAB paid a courtesy visit to the family members of the maestro at their Indira Road residence and presented a Draft MOU which was subsequently revised based on the observation of the family members. The MOU signing ceremony was held for the Bashirul Haq Digital Archive (BHDA) was held on 23 Aug, 2022 at IAB. Dr. Fedous Azeem and Ar. Mobassher Hossain signed the MOU respectively on behalf of late Ar. Bashirul Haq's family and IAB. The occasion was also attended by Ar. Golam Nasir, Ar. Nahas Khalil, Ar. Farhana Sharmin Emu and members of the 24 EC of IAB and the members of the working committee of BHDA. The signed MOU, marked the inception of BHDA.

For the documentation, raw material collection and web site design, IAB engaged the “Commune “. The digital inventory was organized under the supervision of the custodial body and the graphic design of the website was developed through valuable input from industry experts and the family members of Bashirul Haq. The Bashirul Haq Digital Archive is made possible through the valuable contribution of every members of the custodial body and executive committee members of 24th and 25th EC committee of IAB. The process of data collection and digitization is continuation of initiative by all present and past Bashirul Haq and Associates staff and collaborators. Special mention must be made of Ar.Sheikh Ahsan Ullah Mojumder, Ar. Syed Monirul Islam, Ar. H.M. Al Rakib, Ar. Shahida Sarmin Disha and Ar. Al Amin Abu Ahmed Ashraf Dolon.

The members of the data collection, research and web design team of Commune was led by Irteza Ameen . The team members of Commune are Farhan Masud Aneek, Atkia Sadia Rahman, Aditi Haque, Tarif Tasnim Araf and Arafat Nawaz Aunkur.
